The School Friendly Business program provides recognition for businesses that support their local schools. School Friendly Businesses support the local community by:
- Being aware of important school dates
- Welcoming invitations to important school events
- Considering flexi-time for parent/guardian employees to attend significant school events
- Welcoming authorised school and parenting information/literature in their staff room
- Being prepared to host students for workplace learning (work experience, Structured Workplace Learning and/or School Based Apprenticeships or traineeships)
- Being willing to allow small groups of students to visit their workplace for a tour
- Support the MATES Mentoring Program by allowing allow employee/s an agreed period of time-release or flexible work arrangements during work hours to participate in the MATES Mentoring Program for 1 hour a fortnight.
- Supporting the MATES Reading Buddies program in their local schools by being a part of the “village that raises a child”.
Becoming a School Friendly Business helps you to:
- Promote your business
- Demonstrate your corporate social responsibility
- Become an employer of choice
- Help nurture a future workforce
- Enhance business and school relationships
- Open and improve avenues of communication
Download a School Friendly Business Flyer here
Fill out the form below to apply online.
Jennifer Meek Giftware
26 Victoria St Nhill VIC 3418