Aspirations, Exploration & Experience
Job Ready Program
WSMLLEN support schools to help their students become 'job ready'. WSMLLEN supports industry connection, knowledge and service to enhance students' job seeking skills, job preparedness and confidence to transition into employment. The Job Ready Program is a school-based initiatives that combines with curriculum to create a 'tool bag' of skills and know-how for students in years 9,10 and 11.
Excursions & Immersions
WSMLLEN coordinates excursions and immersions on behalf of schools and industry throughout the school year for all year levels. Recent excursions have included health facility visits, council walkabouts, and mixed programs designed based on student aspirations. We work with a number of industries and businesses to help promote their industry to local students, and with schools in the Wimmera Southern Mallee region. WSMLLEN also plans and delivers the 'Teacher Immersion' experience ensuring key Careers & Pathway Coordinators across the region are connected, informed and networking with local industry partners.
Real Talks
Real talks is a series of industry events for students to attend either live or via a hybrid arrangement. Real Talks are industry specific and feature guest speakers from within the industry visiting topics such as pathways, the work, culture, personal experiences, and networks. Real Talks represent high-demand and/or growth industries in the region.

For further information:
Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN supports businesses, students and schools to connect for meaningful programs that create opportunities to explore careers, build aspirations, and get directly connected to the workforce. For further information, please contact:
David Crooks
Project Officer – School to Work Program
Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN
(03) 5381 0122
0419 978 702