School to Work – What’s Your Pathway
The Victorian Government funds Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) to deliver the School to Work program, which involves coordinating workplace learning opportunities. Some of these work-based learning opportunities are integrated into vocational education and training (VET) programs, which can be part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Work experience functions as the first step for students into industry, helping them to gain valuable experience and knowledge in their chosen field. This can then lead to further, more comprehensive placements that will broaden their professional knowledge.
Work placements allows students to gain hands-on skills related to the VET (Vocational Education & Training) course they are studying at school, or as a subject towards their Vocational Major. Employers provide training to assist students to master key competencies or skills. Placements can be undertaken in a range of modes e.g. one day a week or in week blocks.
SBATs are the same as normal apprenticeships and traineeships except that they are completed part-time whilst the young person continues their schooling, rather than being done full time. WSMLLEN helps connect students, businesses, Headstart and Apprenticeship Centers, and can use the portal to directly inform students of SBAT opportunities in their region.

Work Opportunities (Work Experience, Placement & SBATs)
The School to Work Portal is an easy to use site that lists current placement opportunities in the Wimmera and Southern Mallee Region, and across Victoria. By clicking the link below, schools and students can explore available opportunities. They can easily be shared by students to Careers or Pathways Advisors at their home school. Opportunities are being added to the Portal on a regular basis, so be sure to keep checking for updates.
If you are unable to find the type of placement you are looking for, contact the WSMLLEN Team to see if they can help.
For more information:
Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN supports businesses, students and schools to connect for meaningful work experience, work placements and school-based apprenticeships & traineeships. For further information, please contact:
David Crooks
Project Officer – School to Work Program
Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN
(03) 5381 0122
0419 978 702